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2009p11[1], ciekawostki, Turbina Tesli

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Saturday· Aug 1 Session 6 (Afternoon) •Tesla Technology
The ‘Tesla Turbine’
––– Detroit’s Best Weapon –––
Against Peak Oil Economics
Jeffery Hayes
Tesla Engine Builders Association
Robotic Vehicles
Nikola Tesla gave us the design for a
complete hybrid capable of exceeding
100 mpg. In the early 1990s Volvo
proved the concept with their “Envi-
ronmental Concept Car.” Although a
revolution for vehicles, the Volvo was
not economic for production due to the
part of the system that was not Tesla’s.
This missing component was the en-
gine. Although Volvo used a specially
developed bladed turbine to drive a
Tesla high frequency alternator, it was
not the revolutionary ‘Tesla Turbine.’
The Tesla Turbine can operate at red
heat while using dirty water for half
of its fuel volume and is capable of
completing a “combined cycle” in a
single stage. It is the cheapest and safest
turbine of any type and even self regu-
lates speed. The thermal eficiency can
be more than doubled, easily exceeding
the 45 mpg of the mid sized Volvo 850
conversion. This is very signiicant, as
all that is required to end U.S. foreign
oil dependence is an average leet ef-
iciency of only 35 mpg.
This is a unique opportunity Detroit
to turn the tables using Tesla Technol-
ogy. Simple in its basic design, with
few moving parts, the Tesla engine is
relatively inexpensive to manufacture,
and requires less maintenance than a
typical conventional engine.
Descendants of
Tesla’s Teleautomaton!
Warren Williams
Tesla’s 1897 unveiling of a remote
controlled boat ushered in an era that
lay dormant for decades. It was an ex-
cellent demonstration of the integration
of radio, logic circuits, and mechanical
interfaces... and far ahead of its times.
Robotics would lay dormant until the
advent of the American space program
and microcircuits.
Today, unmanned aerial vehicles (such
as Predator) prowl the skies seeking tar-
gets with ground controllers providing
real time guidance via radio. Planetary
exploration has gotten a boost with the
deployment of small Mars rovers which
have a limited degree of autonomy. The
challenge of the future was summed up
in his 1900 essay... “The Problem of
Increasing Human Energy” in which he
envisions armies of battling robots.
DARPA has set out to perfect Tesla’s
dream. In their competitions, they
require vehicles to ind their way and
drive a 210-mile trek without a human
driver or operator, using solely their own
sensors and computers to recognize and
navigate through the dificult mountain-
ous and desert terrain. Shown above,
Warren’s Ladibug robot is a modiied
Kawasaki ATV itted with short-range
microwave radar, ultrasound sensors,
and GPS. His presentation and dem-
onstration will prove Tesla’s vision is
near at hand!
Tesla’s Worldwide Wireless
Energy Transmission System
Gary Peterson
of Wireless
change and the depletion of petro-
leum reserves, a set of clearly deined
comprehensive solutions is needed
to overcome the present impasse of
world-opposed thinkers and ideological
dogmas. Planners, architects, and en-
gineers must assume responsibility for
our future wellbeing. Go to work and,
above all, co-operate with one another,
not holding back nor seeking personal
gain at the expense of others, always
heeding the ininitely accommodative
synergetic laws of the “intellectual
integrity governing universe.”
Tesla stood on the shoulders of those
who preceded him, improving upon
what had been done before and coming
up with completely new and original
ideas. We too must continually add to
the existing accumulation of perpetual
knowledge. This is the way to increase
human energy.
Tesla is well known for his pioneering
development of the 3-phase AC electri-
cal power system and the reworking of
his predecessor’s primitive RF power
supplies, ultimately providing mankind
with the world’s irst practical radio
communications system. This presenta-
tion describes the development of some
original electrical apparatus; from an
early electric arc lighting system to
his advanced system for the wireless
transmission of electrical energy. A
small-scale Tesla wireless system will
be demonstrated, and some alternative
theories will be proposed to explain its
At this time of accelerating dangerous
circumstances, such as global climate
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